
Run for Beer, Bourbon, and Wine!

On Fridays through the summer, run a 5k or 10k cross country race and stick around for (outdoor, socially distanced) after parties themed after Beer, Bourbon, or Wine! With registration, participants get a branded logo race shirt, branded finisher’s glassware award, and either 3 bourbon tasting tickets, a beer at the finish line, or 3 wine tasting tickets. Stick around to enjoy your tastings or beer at the after party with live music, food trucks, and good times!

Register for all three races in the series for a special finisher's award at the end of the series!

Register for the whole series at once for a discount!

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Distillery Dash 5k/10k - July 9th @7:00 PM

The Distillery Dash will feature 5k and 10k cross country race options at beautiful Masterson Station Park. Participants will receive a race t-shirt, branded bourbon glass finisher's award, and 3 bourbon-tasting tickets to use at the race afterparty. If participants are under 21, they will receive all portions of the finisher award except for the tasting tickets. Buffalo Trace Distillery will be on-site for the after party allowing participants to redeem their tickets for bourbon samples of their various bourbon varieties. The afterparty will run until 10:00 PM, so hang around for live music, bourbon tastings, drink sales, food trucks, and a great time! Register for all three races in the series for a special finisher's award at the end of the series!

The 5k will be open to walkers, but we will be enforcing a cutoff pace for the 10k due to safety concerns with post-sunset light conditions.

Register early to take advantage of our lowest price!

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Radler Rush 5k/10k - July 30th @7:00 PM

John’s Run/Walk Shop and Rock House Brewing present the first ever Radler Rush Cross Country 5k/10k! Choose from a 5k or 10k evening cross country race at beutiful Masterson Station Park. Stick around after the race to enjoy the evening (outodoors and socially distanced) with great beer, food trucks, and live music! Race amenities include a beautiful cross country course, race T-shirt, race-themed pint glass award, and a craft beer of your choice (Groupie, Tangerine Groupie, or Shannon The Dude’s Brew) to those of age. Participants and spectators will have the opportunity to purchase additional beer from Rockhouse Brewery throughout the evening. If participants are under 21, they will receive all portions of the finisher award except for the finishers’ beer. Register for all three races in the series for a special finisher's award at the end of the series!

The 5k will be open to walkers, but we will be enforcing a cutoff pace for the 10k due to safety concerns with post-sunset light conditions.

Register early to take advantage of our lowest price!

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Cabernet Canter 5k/10k - August 27th @7:00 PM

Run for wine at the fourth annual Cabernet Canter Cross Country 5k/10k at Talon Winery! With registration, participants will receive a beautiful cross country race course, race shirt, and wine glass with the Cabernet Canter race logo. After the race, also be sure to grab your 3 wine tasting tickets! If participants are under 21, they will receive all portions of the finisher award except for the tasting tickets. Register for all three races in the series for a special finisher's award at the end of the series!

Stick around after the event for the opportunity to use your tasting tickets, shop the great selection of wines, and hang out with live music! The after party will run until 10 PM in the Talon Winery tasting room and Monarch Pavilion.

The 5k will be open to walkers, but we will be enforcing a cutoff pace for the 10k due to safety concerns with post-sunset light conditions.

Register early for our lowest price!